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"以儒诠经"是明清时期伊斯兰教中国化的重要标志,辑录与解读"以儒诠经"文本中伊斯兰教中国化义理,有助于更好地了解明清时期中国伊斯兰教界眼中的伊斯兰教中国化。"以儒诠经"文本对伊斯兰教中国化应包含的内容、如何践行伊斯兰教中国化提出了若干真知灼见,许多见解与当今倡导的伊斯兰教中国化若干内容相吻合。  相似文献   

One of the basic statistical methods of dimensionality reduction is analysis of discriminant coordinates given by Fisher (1936 Fisher, R. A. 1936. The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problem. Annals of Eugenics 7 (2):17988. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.1936.tb02137.x.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Rao (1948). The space of discriminant coordinates is a space convenient for presenting multidimensional data originating from multiple groups and for the use of various classification methods (methods of discriminant analysis). In the present paper, we adapt the classical discriminant coordinates analysis to multivariate functional data. The theory has been applied to analysis of textural properties of apples of six varieties, measured over a period of 180?days, stored in two types of refrigeration chamber.  相似文献   
在智能化和法治化的新时代,公共视频监控图像信息综合应用已成为社会治理社会化、法治化、智能化和专业化的重要方式。公共视频监控系统成为政府部门和社会组织保护公共安全以及公民人身、财产安全的技术项目。公共视频监控图像信息的技术手段和法律属性需要以立法形式加以规定。公共视频监控图像信息综合应用需要在权利保护的法律制度中进行,尤其是视频监控图像信息公开使用与信息安全、隐私权保护之间的法律制度设计。因此,公共视频监控图像信息的法律规制工作应对法律主体、基本原则、权利体系、法律监管、法律责任做出明确规定。  相似文献   
个人信息的保护研究一般基于信息的人身性与财产性为选择保护的路径,却忽略了个人信息的人身依附属性.根据自由主义与社群主义对自我的解释得出个人信息具有个体性与公共性的双重属性.基于此双重属性导致美、德两国在个人信息保护模式上有所区别:美国将个人信息作为隐私权保护外延,显示其对信息个体性的追求;德国利用领域理论将个人信息作为人格尊严的保护客体,显示其对信息公共性的偏向.从法律文化视角比较,两国存在价值取向与隐私认可程度的差异,由此造成对个体性和公共性的不同偏向;两国又因司法谦抑主义与公共安全和个人信息保护的竞争,导致保护限缩的共同趋向.两种保护路径反映不同的法律文化的同时,也体现出两国都重视在立法基础上的宪法审查运用,以此平衡个人信息的个体性与公共性.故我国个人信息保护亦需以“审查”作为个人信息保护的有效方式,并以个体性与公共性的动态平衡作为判断标准.具体审查可以从程序上的公正平衡与实体上的合理平衡两方面进行判断,以此为个人信息提供有效保护.此外,打破个体性与公共性平衡状态的唯一变量只能基于公共利益的考量.  相似文献   
Several studies have described and analyzed the development and diffusion of hate crime laws in the United States, but none specifically examined state-level differences in protected categories. Forty-five of the 50 states have a hate crime statute, but only 30 of those include sexual orientation. In this study the social construction framework is applied to the hate crime policy domain in order to determine whether or not variations in the social and political status of gays and lesbians are associated with the inclusion of sexual orientation in state hate crime laws. Content analysis of daily newspapers in six states revealed that a positive social construction is associated with groups seeking hate crime law protections, and that political influence may also be a key factor.  相似文献   
Social governance innovation is a basic requirement of China's socialist construction, and an important guarantee that people can live and work in peace and enjoy long-term stability and order. Strengthening and innovating social governance has great significance for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and this is where judicial justice plays a unique role at the level of government, society, and the individual. That is, judicial justice is the key to transforming governmental functions; the guarantee of a new-type social construction; and the guide to upgrading autonomy at the grass-roots level. To achieve judicial justice, we must popularize the idea of the rule of law, improve judicial work style and innovate judicial institutions.  相似文献   
Research concerning outcomes for children who have been placed in out‐of‐home care has indicated that the care may have unwanted consequences. However, there has been no coherent terminology for differentiating between different types of such unwanted consequences. In this article therefore, we attempt to disentangle different aspects of potentially harmful care for looked after children, as well as to discuss potential pathways to more systematically approach and report adverse events for this group. In this endeavour, we turn to two adjacent disciplines, medicine and psychology, where these issues have received more interest. The applicability of the concepts used in these fields is discussed, and it is concluded that although they provide some help in categorizing different aspects of harmful care, the complexity of out‐of‐home care makes existing models difficult to adopt without adjustments. This has consequences for the possibility of evaluating care in research, as well as for monitoring adverse events in practice. Importantly, the causality will often be unknown. We therefore suggest that it is essential to shed more light on how decisions should be made about when to intervene or not in out‐of‐home care, despite limited information.  相似文献   
杨吉平 《国际论坛》2020,(1):104-115,159
肯尼思·沃尔兹的新现实主义是国际政治研究的里程碑,但学界对这一里程碑含义的理解可能存在偏差。这一理论不是国际政治研究科学化的起点,而是对古典现实主义核心论点的历史性再诠释。沃尔兹和其他古典现实主义者一样认为人的理性能力存在限度,相信实力对比是进行利益划分的客观依据,劝告政治家遵行责任伦理。古典现实主义者与沃尔兹之间的差异并没有想象的大,古典现实主义者也强调安全,他们发现国际政治中存在着安全困境,追求过多权力会导致不安全,国家追求权力应适可而止。古典现实主义者还发现世界政治中因果关系非常复杂,事件的结果绝少和当事者的动机一致,“事与愿违”是政治中的常态,这与沃尔兹强调的“系统效应”相似。新古典现实主义者试图将沃尔兹的理论进一步科学化,他们希望结合结构变量与单元变量,提出更科学的理论解释、预测国家的行为,这不仅误解了沃尔兹,也背离了现实主义传统。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the parameter-change tests for a class of observation-driven models for count time series. We propose two cumulative sum (CUSUM) test procedures for detection of changes in model parameters. Under regularity conditions, the asymptotic null distributions of the test statistics are established. In addition, the integer-valued generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (INGARCH) processes with conditional negative binomial distributions are investigated. The developed techniques are examined through simulation studies and also are illustrated using an empirical example.  相似文献   
《剑桥中国文学史》旨在打破以往文学史写作中的习惯性范畴,开创新的文学史范式。其中最引人注目的是它特殊的"文学文化史"的书写姿态,立足于在文化史的背景下考察中国文学的发展进程。这种书写策略为我们认识文学史提供了新的视角与方法,但并没有在全书中得到全面的贯彻。《剑桥中国文学史》的文学史分期方式也引人注目,某些基于文学文化史立场的分期方式显得新颖别致。全书的文学史分期方式并没有统一的标准,也存在着按世纪、朝代为文学史分期的现象。由于全书的编者热衷于探求"过去的文学"原貌,在实践中往往对某些重要作家作品叙述较少,而对次要的文学现象评价过高。这种迥异于时流的评价可新人耳目,但有些评价是出于臆测,并没有坚实的依据。  相似文献   
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